Many of us wish to lose weight at some point or the other. While doing so we search for the newest weight loss programmes and read about its success stories. There are people who blindly follow a programme they read in a health magazine which makes them grumpy, battling their cravings and eating food they don’t like. Well, if you don’t want to be one of those it is important that you do good research about the weight loss programme you are planning to follow and see whether it will suit you or not. Your focus should be on long-term weight management rather than quick weight loss.
There are reputed clinics like AAYNA Clinic that offer holistic nutrition programmes which are a combination of FDA approved weight loss and body contouring technologies. The institute is also known for its Anti-Aging Treatments in Delhi. Here the weight loss programme is very unique. There is a team of experienced doctors and nutritionists, who do a comprehensive medical and nutritional profiling, evaluate the possible reasons for weight gain and then suggest a plan that will work best for you. The weight loss program, divided into 4 phases- consultation, expedite, boost and support, help you lose weight and keep it off.
Listed below are some programmes that have been found to be very effective in weight management.
X WAVE: this programme uses acoustic wave technology (AWT) to break the fibrous bands using sound waves. Breakage of adhesive fibrous bands in the skin increases blood circulation and collagen production. The reduction of bands relieves pressure on the fat pockets and thus helps in reducing the bulge and treating cellulite. Cellulite is mainly pockets of excess fat that is present between the bands of tissues attaching the skin to muscles. The treatment is completely painless and is widely used to treat cellulite. One can see visible results (dermal firming and reduction in dimples skin) after 8 to 10 sessions.
LYMPHASTISM: this is a mechanized lymphatic drainage technique that works on the pressotherapy principle. It has been found to be very effective in weight loss and detoxification. The treatment involves applying intermittent compression on one or more parts of the body. Special applicator sleeves that have multiple overlapping chambers are used to provide a gentle massage. This improves overall circulation and speeds up detoxification. It not only helps in weight loss but also provide immediate relief for heavy legs. One can see visible results in 4-6 sessions.
But, always keep in mind, before zeroing down on any treatment it is important to consult the expert.