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Skin Treatment

February 5, 2025

The skin is the largest organ of our body. It serves as a protective barrier between the delicate interiors of our body and the external environment. It helps regulate body temperature and acts as the first filter. Our skin undergoes a constant cycle of growth, with new cells replacing the dead skin cells. Healthier skin is better able to fight the signs of ageing, heals much faster and staves off potential disease better than unhealthy skin. It takes a lifetime of regular skincare to achieve beautifully healthy skin. Our expert team of doctors and aestheticians have helped a huge number of clients deal with their concerns and achieve skin that is naturally glowing and healthy inside-out with the help of acne treatments, lichen planus treatments, open pores treatments and more.


Active Acne

Acne is the commonest skin condition seen by the dermatologists across the world. It is caused by a blockage in the hair follicles due to a mixture of sebum (secretion of the oil glands) and keratin (dead cells).

Acne is commonly seen in teenagers due to increased hormonal activity- the androgenic hormone Testosterone being the big culprit. The lesions are commonly found on the face, chest, back and shoulders. Acne occurs in different forms depending upon the severity:



Papules (Slightly Raised and Red)

Pustules (White Tipped Papules)

Nodules (Painful Lumps Under the Skin)

Cysts (Painful Pus-Filled Lumps)

Multiple Forms May Co-Exist

Despite treatments acne tends to be persistent. It is not possible to prevent acne but one should always see a doctor who helps you to understand and manage the condition with a combination of medications- oral, topical and treatments to prevent the worst outcome of acne –the acne scars.


Acne Scars

Acne scars are the most unpleasant reminders of acne, past and present. They are much more difficult to treat than acne and are caused by the nodular and cystic acne as they heal over a long period of time and with formation of scar tissue. Acne scars can be raised (hypertrophic) or depressed (atrophic) and the latter can be described as ice pick scars, box scars and rolling scars. Ice-pick scarring looks like very small holes in the skin, but they are difficult to treat because they are quite deep. Box scars are elongated or oval and look like tears in the skin but are shallower or saucer shaped. Rolling scars give an undulating wavy appearance. Whatever the form, acne scars are associated with a lot of emotional trauma and loss of confidence in young people and it should be the primary concern of a doctor treating acne to prevent scarring as far as possible and in the event of scars, to treat them aggressively. Acne spots are the flat, brownish marks left behind by moderate acne.


Pigmentation & Skin Brightening

Pigmentation is a heterogeneous group of skin conditions characterized by abnormal deposits of pigment in the body. The condition may be localized or generalized and purely cosmetic in concern or the indicator of a serious underlying condition. Most pigmentary disorders are excessive deposits of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for our skin colour. Hormones play an important role in both the generalized forms e.g. Addison’s disease and Hemochromatosis or localized form like Melasma. Facial pigmentation is a cause of serious emotional disturbance as it affects the appearance. The common causes of hyperpigmentation are:
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Drug Reactions- Hydroquinone, Tetracycline, Anti -Malarial
Local Causes- Dark Circles, Nevus of Ota, Acanthosis Nigricans
Lesional- DPNs, Moles, Actinic Lichen Planus
Maturational Dyschromia- Chronic Sun Exposure
When the normal melanin activity becomes deficient it leads to a condition called Hypo Melanosis e.g. Vitiligo.


Open Pores

Open pores are the openings of oil glands present in our skin. When these openings are excessively dilated, they are called open pores. They are typically not a skin condition which can be cured but they are a cause of aesthetic concern as they give an irregular texture appearance, and a dull skin tone. They are mainly seen on the cheeks and nose and sometimes must be differentiated from similar looking pitted acne scars. Over active oil glands are the commonest cause of open pores. They can also be attributed to chronic sun exposure and ageing leading to loss of collagen (elasticity) giving a stretched appearance of even normal sized pores. Open pores need to be treated as they frequently get clogged with sebum and dirt and lead to whiteheads, blackheads, and acne.



Rosacea is a skin condition causing diffuse redness on the face. Small acne may be present alongside sometimes. It is mainly seen in the fair skinned people and is much more common in women. The condition is characterized by:

Redness on The Cheeks, Nose, And Forehead

Prominent Telangiectasia

Small Papules or Pustules

Rosacea may be triggered by physical changes such as exercise, heat, sweating, sun exposure, stress, spicy food, alcohol, hot beverages, and changes in weather. Apart from redness or flushing, the eyes are also frequently irritated causing redness, burning sensation and watering. The symptoms come and go with periodic bouts of flushing in between relatively calm skin. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs and rosacea though not cured can be controlled.



During the process of healing post trauma or surgery sometimes we develop unsightly scars. They are two types which are of greatest concerns are the hypertrophic scar and keloids.

Hypertrophic Scars- Post trauma, surgery, or conditions like acne and chicken pox which usually take longer than 3 weeks to heal can sometimes develop into scar tissues. Hypertrophic scars are usually raised and are confined to the areas of the wound. It can occur over any part of the body. Usually they resolve on their own but most occasions they require medical intervention and usually respond very well.

Keloids- This is derived from the greek word “cheloides”, meaning crab claw. These scars occur due to an exuberant tissue response at the healing site. This condition is usually hereditary and seen over the bony prominences like the chest, shoulder, upper back, arms and ear lobes. These scars usually extend beyond the area of the wound. At times they can be associated with itching or a burning sensation. The sooner they are treated the better they respond to treatment.


Sensitive Skin

One of the commonest descriptions a dermatologist or aesthetic dermatologist hears from clients is that they have sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is not a medical condition, but a subjective self-assessment based on some adverse effects or discomfort on the skin with the use of most personal care products. The discomfort may range from the skin becoming red and itchy to dry and flaky or breakout in the form of bumps and pustules. Many individuals are allergic to the fragrances, preservatives or colours present in most cosmetics and toiletries and therefore their skin reactions are enhanced. Skin could be sensitive to physical touch or it could be sensitive because of excessive dryness. The dryness could be because of conditions like atopic dermatitis, eczema, rosacea or psoriasis or it could be a manifestation of ageing skin with inactivity of the normal oil glands. Skin can also become sensitive after sunburn or the use of certain medications like Isotretinoin. In all these conditions because of the defective skin barrier functions whatever product is applied on the skin is absorbed in greater amounts than normal leading to stinging and burning sensations. Overuse of certain products containing exfoliating agents like lactic acid, Azelaic acid, Benzoic acid, Glycolic acid, and vitamin C can cause sustained stinging feeling of the skin.


Under Eye Dark Circles

Dark Circles is a very common worldwide problem affecting all ages and gender. For most people with this condition it is a major aesthetic concern as it makes one look stressed, ill, or older. It is difficult to treat primarily because it has multiple and diverse factors as the cause. Also known as periorbital hypermelanosis, it is a little more common in people of colour. The causes are:

Genetic- Often seen to be passed down from mother to daughter.

Constitutional- People with chronic low haemoglobin levels or lack of adequate hours of sleep.

Post inflammatory Hyperpigmentation- In atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis the skin under the eyes is chronically irritated and the friction caused by constant rubbing creates the dark patches.

Periorbital oedema- Fluid retention under eyes.

Sub Cutaneous Vascularity- An increased number of thin capillaries under the eye area shows up as darker areas due to the pigment contained in the blood.

Shadowing due to skin laxity.

Tear troughs with age.

Dark circles treatment requires multimodal approach after identifying the primary concern.


Dull Skin

Too often dermatologists see clients complaining of a dull skin. On detailed assessments the concerned individuals report a healthy lifestyle with acceptable sleeping hours, diet and normal stress levels but the face looks tired. The culprits can be manifold:

Dust and pollution

Sun exposure

Diet deficient in the essential vitamins and minerals required for healthy skin

Long hours in closed air-conditioned rooms leading to dehydration and lack of fresh air

No physical activity

Lack of regular exfoliation in daily skin care routine


Tanned Skin

Tanning is commonly caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun during incidental, prolonged and unprotected sun exposure. The process of tanning leads to a darkening of the complexion due to an increase in the melanin content of the melanocytes. Both UVA and UVB rays are responsible for tanning. The UVB rays are more harmful and can lead to skin cancers. Certain medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to the harmful effects of the sun, causing uneven dark patches.


Stretch Marks

These are also known as Striae, commonly present in women. These indentations which are usually seen over the abdomen, buttocks, breasts, thighs, calves and upper arms have a number of causative factors:

Pregnancy is the most common cause


Sudden increase or loss of weight

Sudden growth spurt during puberty

The hormone cortisone

Corticosteroid medication

A few people may also have a genetic predisposition

They are a result of the destruction of elastic fibres which are present in the dermis of the skin. This happens when the skin is stretched as it cannot keep up with the growth rate. The hormone cortisone weakens the elastic fibres and results in stretch marks in conditions like in Cushing’s syndrome and Marfans syndrome. They are unsightly especially when they cover large areas of the body and their appearance is a cause of concern.


Spider Veins

They are superficial, unsightly, tortuous, web like networks of veins present over the face or legs. They are usually harmless and rarely show any signs and symptoms but are aesthetically unappealing. They may be associated with burning or mild pain. The spider veins can present as telangiectasias (smaller) or as reticular veins (slightly larger and more tortuous). The various causes for spider veins can be:


People on oral contraceptive pills or hormonal replacement therapy

Long term application of corticosteroids


Occupations that require standing for long durations



Thin Skin

As with most things, skin also undergoes a series of changes with time and age. One of the most obvious signs is thinning of the skin. Thin skin tends to break, bruise and wrinkle easily and is also intolerant to temperature changes. At AAYNA, we combine a series of treatment protocols, making use of Lasers to peptides and natural ingredients in order to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a plumper, smoother & healthier appearance.


Patchy & Uneven Skin

Be it dark patches or light, any unevenness on the skin surface is a cause of concern. At AAYNA, we deliver spotless beautiful skin making use of sophisticated treatments from micro-needling with customized serum infusions, radiofrequency, to laser therapy, and meticulous protocols that give an overall boost to the overall skin quality.

Other Concerns

Acne Vulgaris before treatment small image

Acne Vulgaris

Rosacea Before Treatment small image


Oily Skin Before treatment small Image

Oily Skin

Plantar Warts

Psoriasis Before Treatment small image


Eczema before treatment small image


Lichen Planus

Fungal Treatment small image

Fungal Infections

Autoimmune Connective before treatment Small image

Autoimmune & Connective Tissue Disorders

Under Eye Fat Before Treatment small image

Under Eye Fat Deposit

Skin Tags Before Treatment small image

Skin Tags

Viral Warts & Molluscum Contagiosum

Urticaria & Dermographism

Acne Vulgaris

Acne is the most common and worrying skin condition present. The age of onset is around 11 years and can be a cause of concern even in adulthood. It is caused due to the inflammation and blocking of our hair follicles with dead skin and sebum. It has a varied severity in every person and can present as comedones, papules, pustules and even as big nodules or cysts. It can heal with pigmentation and scarring and lead to low self esteem, hence early management is important.

It can be caused due to a genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, improper diet, UV radiation, smoking, and stress. These factors lead to increased sebum production (oily skin), formation of comedones (white/black heads), infection by propionibacterium acnes and inflammation.

Grading Severity
• Grade 1 : Simple acne – no inflammation, comedones and a few papules.
• Grade 2 : Comedones, papules and a few pustules.
• Grade 3 : Larger inflammatory papules, pustules and a few cysts; a more severe form involving the face, neck and upper portions of the trunk.
• Grade 4 : More severe, with cysts – nodulocystic acne.

Scars and pigmentation are the biggest worries when the acne heals with improper or no treatment.



Rosacea which means “rose coloured”, is a condition which describes redness of the skin present mostly over the cheeks and nose. This redness is usually chronic and never really subsides but in fact is aggravated on most conditions. Factors which result in its cause and aggrevation can be:

• Extreme temperatures
• Exposure to sunlight
• Intake of spicy food, hot or cold beverages
• Alcohol or beverages rich in caffeine
• Anxiety, anger or emotional stress
• Strenuous exercise
• Hot baths, steam or sauna
• Certain medications for blood pressure, cortisone, prednisolone
• Demodex mite present on the skin

Rosacea can be present in four different forms:
• Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea – It presents as consistent redness over the cheeks, nose and chin. Telangiectasia ( tiny superficial blood vessels) is usually seen. It can be agrrevated by any of the triggering factors.

• Papulopustular rosacea – This is a slightly more severe form which presents as permanent redness along with a few bumps over the affected areas, thus giving an uneven skin tone. Few acneiform eruptions may appear.

• Phymatous rosacea – It usually affects the nose. Makes it look thicker, more sebaceous, uneven and irregular. Can also affect the forehead, chin, ears, and eyes.

• Occular rosacea – It makes the eyes red and inflamed. It is associated with dryness and a gritty feel.


Oily Skin

As the largest organ of the body, the skin has various inbuilt mechanisms by which it protects itself and acts as a true barrier. One such mechanism is sebum production, which keeps the skin moisturized and prevents dryness. However excess oil secretion causes a dull greasy appearance and can also lead to clogged pores and acne formations. AAYNA offers a wide range of treatments addressing this commonly occurring skin problem not just to address oily skin, but also prevent its reoccurrence. Our doctors assess skin type an then design a customized plan for maximum benefits.




They are painful, hard warts appearing on the soles of the feet, mainly on the heels and the balls of the feet. They are caused by a virus and are fairly common in the young.


This is a chronic autoimmune condition which presents as patchy red, itchy, scaly lesion over the body especially the elbows, arms, knees, legs and scalp. This condition can present in different forms and severity. There is no permanent cure for this condition but the right kind of treatment would improve the condition and help you have long periods of remission.


This is a group of generalised symptoms which presents as either red or dry itchy skin lesions along with scaling and thickening of the skin. The most common type is atopic dermatitis which usually is inherited and has an allergic component. It is seen on the face, hands, wrists, knees and feet. Seasonal flare ups can occur in certain conditions. We treat all eczemas and give you the best solutions to manage the condition and keep it under control.

Lichen Planus

This is an autoimmune disorder which presents as violaceous plaques, maybe itchy over the skin and mucous membranes. It can also be caused by the intake of certain drugs.

Fungal Infections

Increased blood sugar levels, change in humidity conditions can predispose one to fungal infections which can affect any part of the body like the face, body, hair and nails. Associated with itching and a typical skin lesion with central clearing is usually diagnostic of it.

Autoimmune & Connective Tissue Disorders

Various conditions like Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis and other related conditions are treated at AAYNA.

Under Eye Fat Deposit

The mounds and curves of the face that give it a beautiful shape,contour and symmetry, occur due to various structural elements, one of which is the fat pads. As with other changes that comes with ageing, these fat pads lose their support and lead to prolapse or sagging. The under eye area is very delicate with thin skin and rich vascular supply and these cause prolapsed fat deposits to be visible . Excessive cholesterol production by the body can also cause yellowish fatty deposits in this area.Doctors at AAYNA, conduct a thorough and detailed examination and then prescribe the most effective treatment.


Skin Tags

It is also known as Acrochordons which form from the skin creases due to a variety of reasons.

Viral Warts & Molluscum Contagiosum

They appear as small lesions over the skin due to a viral infection.



Urticaria & Dermographism

This is usually caused by intake of certain allergenic foods or some medications . We try and determine the cause through the process of diet elimination and a battery of allergy tests to determine what might be responsible.

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