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Stretch marks, also known as striae, are a common skin concern, especially among women. Believe it or not, our lifestyle plays a crucial role in their manifestation and appearance on the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and breasts.

Factors like rapid weight gain, pregnancy, puberty, or certain medical conditions are responsible for causing stretch marks, and the lifestyle you lead can exacerbate the signs and symptoms further.

While they are a natural part of life, many seek ways to minimize and prevent stretch marks to maintain healthy, resilient skin. In this comprehensive guide by AAYNA Clinic, we will explore lifestyle changes for stretch marks removal and how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.

How Does Lifestyle Cause Stretch Marks?

For those with a superficial understanding of stretch marks, the most common reason behind their onset is sudden or rapid weight gain or weight loss. While this is one of the triggers, there are numerous other lifestyle causes that are often overlooked.

Before we walk you through all the tips for stretch marks removal, let’s take a look at the different lifestyle factors that cause stretch marks:

Rapid Weight Fluctuations

Sudden and drastic changes in body weight, whether due to  rapid weight gain or loss, can strain the skin’s elasticity. The abrupt stretching and contracting of the skin fibers during these fluctuations make it more susceptible to the formation of stretch marks.

Being Dehydrated

If the skin is dehydrated, it is more likely to be less elastic and more prone to damage. It’s important to  understand that when the skin lacks hydration, it becomes less resilient, leading to the development of stretch marks.

Nutrient Deficiencies

If your diet lacks certain nutrients, it compromises the skin’s ability to regenerate and repair. Insufficient intake of vitamins D, E, and C, zinc, and proteins hinders the body’s collagen production, a crucial component for skin elasticity. This deficiency could also be a potential reason why you are experiencing stretch marks.

Leading a Sedentary Lifestyle

If you lead an inactive lifestyle and don’t move your body around, that can reduce blood circulation and vitality. Without proper circulation, the skin may struggle to maintain its elasticity, increasing the likelihood of stretch marks.

Chronic Stress

There are a few people who can recognize and pay attention to this trigger, but stress is also a potent factor behind stretch marks. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that, when elevated over an extended period, can compromise the skin’s integrity. Weakened skin is more susceptible to stretch marks, especially during physical or emotional stress.

Sun Damage

Since collagen is an integral factor in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and vitality, it goes without saying that prolonged exposure to UV rays can not only slow down collagen production but also contribute to early signs of aging. This explains why areas often exposed to the sunlight, like the abdomen and thighs, are at higher risk of developing stretch marks.

Tight Clothing

Tight clothing that constantly rubs against the skin can create friction and stress on the underlying tissues. This friction can contribute to their formation over time, especially in areas where stretch marks commonly occur.

To know the things to avoid for stretch marks removal, you first need to know about the potential causes and triggers behind the condition in the first place.

Lifestyle Changes for Stretch Marks Removal

Now that we have an extensive idea about the lifestyle factors contributing to the onset of stretch marks on the skin, let’s walk you through effective lifestyle changes you can incorporate to eliminate those risks for good.

1. Prioritizing Hydration

Our skin needs optimal hydration to maintain its integrity, elasticity, and firmness. If you don’t drink water or apply moisturizers that can repair the skin’s barrier, you need to change that habit.

Dehydration is probably one of the most common reasons you witness stretch marks on your body. Hence, aim for at least eight glasses of water daily to ensure your skin remains well-hydrated from the inside out.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

To prevent stretch marks,  switch to a balanced and nutrient-dense diet focusing on foods rich in vitamins E and C, zinc, and collagen-boosting nutrients like protein.

Also, incorporating foods rich in antioxidants can protect the skin from damage, reducing the risks of stretch marks.

3. Gradual Weight Management

Another significant contributor to the visible signs of stretch marks is unregulated weight gain and weight loss. If you are overweight, obese, or underweight, focusing on attaining a healthy weight makes total sense. However, focus on doing so in a healthy way. Instead of extreme diets or intensive workout regimes, focus on gradual and sustainable changes.

4. Moisturize as Needed

Much like how you need to drink water to hydrate your body and skin from within, external hydration is just as vital. Use moisturizers tailored to your skin type.

Apply a rich, hydrating moisturizer during and after a shower when your skin is still damp. This ensures maximum nourishment and easy penetration of the product into the skin for overall hydration and moisturization from within.

Opt for products containing ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, and hyaluronic acid to enhance skin elasticity.

5. Use the Dry Brushing Technique

This particular technique is quite underrated but effective for stretch marks removal. Dry brushing in your skincare routine stimulates blood flow and exfoliates dead skin cells. Use a dry brush to brush the skin in circular motions before showering, paying extra attention to areas prone to stretch marks. This promotes skin regeneration and can minimize the appearance of existing marks.

6. Getting Quality Sleep

Sleep does a lot more than relax your body. It has the potential to reverse many complications. The body repairs and regenerates its cells and tissues during sleep. So, if you want to rejuvenate the skin’s elasticity and firmness, ensure that you get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each day.

7. Mandatory Sun Protection

Even on cloudy days, you need sun protection. It is one of those mandatory elements you can’t ignore.

Prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage collagen fibers in the skin, elevating the risks of stretch marks significantly. To avoid that, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and apply it every 2-3 hours for optimal protection against the sun.

FRAXEL – Stretch Marks Treatment

If you have implemented all the relevant lifestyle changes for stretch marks removal but are seeing no improvements to the appearance, FRAXEL is the ‘Gold standard’ for stretch mark treatment at AAYNA Clinic.

This versatile treatment targets stretch marks by:

  • Improving skin tone
  • Improving skin texture and firmness

What’s great about this laser therapy is that it targets stretch marks and rejuvenates the skin for a smooth texture and appearance. It is a safe procedure with minimal downtime.

If you are wondering how it works, during FRAXEL, the laser directly targets the damaged skin (in this case, the stretch marks) by creating a ‘microscopic laser column’ and treating the skin underneath. Since the treatment targets the deeper tissues, it triggers and expedites the body’s natural healing process,  the stark appearance of the stretch marks.

While the immediate results are not as visible, you will see peak results around 3-6 months after multiple sessions. The good thing is that the results of stretch marks removal are prolonged.


Preventing and minimizing stretch marks involves a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of lifestyle and skincare. These practical and unique tips promote skin health, resilience, and overall well-being.

In most cases, stretch marks can be too stubborn to go away by themselves, so it’s advisable to consult a professional who can help you figure out the list of things to avoid for stretch marks removal and the things to do. Our team at AAYNA Clinic is here to help you every step of the way.

For consultations and further details, give us a call.


Somapika is a content writer with a passion for writing clear, concise and engaging content. She graduated with a degree in Physiology and has experience in writing a variety of content, including articles, blog posts, website copy and marketing materials. She is a bit of a nerd that loves learning new things and is always up for a challenge.

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