What Causes Acne?
Acne is formed on the skin or underneath the skin. And, whether they are hard or soft depends on the type of pimples that are formed.
A hard pimple is formed when oils, dead skin, and bacteria are formed under the skin. This bacterium is called Propionibacterium.
These kinds of pimples can multiply and get infected very quickly over various parts of the body.
Skin acne or pimples are formed when the pores in the skin are clogged with dead cells and oil.
The purpose of open pores is to remove dirt and dead cells in the form of sweat.
But, when the body forms a lot of oil, and there are dead cells that need to come out, it is the same oil that clogs the skin. It blocks the pores forming bacteria and inflammation which is seen in the form of a raised zit, whitehead or cyst.
Is it skin acne or pimples?
There are certain skin conditions that mimic the symptoms of acne, but are not acne. These diseases can be listed as – Rosacea and Folliculitis.
Rosacea is a skin condition that is seen when the blood vessels become superficial. It cause a lot of redness and flushing on the skin.
This condition occurs in people between the ages of 25 and 35, and older.
The other condition is termed as Folliculitis. It occurs on various other parts of the body like legs, abdomen, etc.
These are heavily inflamed follicles that cannot be cured with home remedies or normal medication. It requires doctor’s attention and prescription based on external and oral medication.
Straight facts on pimples
Teenagers and adults get it at-least once in their lifetime.
Faster treatment of pimples or acne can overcome the formation of spots or scars on the Laser Treatment for Acne Scars.
High-intake of sugar, salts, fatty diet, and the presence of a stressful life may increase the probability of getting pimples.
washing your face gently can remove the presence of dirt and pollution, and open up the pores to an extent.
Popping acne or pimples spreads the infection on other areas of the body.
Medication for acne or pimples includes the use of antibiotics, over the counter medicine like salicylic acid and benzoyl acid.
Other therapies for acne removal include light and laser therapy.
Sleeping in makeup can cause Skin Treatment In Delhi damage leading to acne or pimples.
Harsh scrubbing can elevate the condition of acne causing inflammation and scarring.
If you’re over the counter medication hasn’t helped, then you certainly need stronger treatment from a skin specialist or dermatologist.
When do I consult?
Over the counter medication fails to provide relief or cure for skin acne.
If acne has a psychological effect on you.
If the pimples are large and tender – it could be Folliculitis or Rosacea.
Acne starts causing scars on the body
Dark skin patches where pimples are seen
Taking over the counter medication without any guidance can sometimes make things worse than better.
It is always advisable for people to consult a dermatologist in the earlier stages of acne formation.
This saves a lot of time and money over medication that has no effect on the problem.
A doctor’s diagnosis can rule out serious skin problems like Rosacea and Folliculitis.
Diagnosis by a doctor begins with basic questions. Questions that include your age, severity, duration, and the side effects it causes.
Depending on the above mentioned points, a dermatologist puts down a plan of action that would either include oral or external medication.
If the condition is severe, then a dermatologist would suggest light and laser therapies for faster cures and healing.
Topical medication prescribed by a dermatologist would include –
Retinoid drugs – Application of this medicine opens up the pores and prevents plugging
Antibiotics – kill excess skin bacteria and reduce inflammation. These are also prescribed to mitigate antibiotic resistance
Salicylic acid – It has antibacterial properties. It can be used with other medicine to prevent the formation plugged hair follicles
Oral medicationprescribed by a dermatologist would include –
Antibiotics – These are given to reduce the inflammation. These also kill bacteria for cases with moderate to severe acne.
These can be used with retinoid and benzoyl peroxide. Using this potent combination reduces the risk of developing any resistance toward antibiotics.
Anti- androgen -This medication is prescribed for women and girls if oral antibiotics aren’t making a significant difference.
Isotretinoin – it is an effective drug that works on the more severe symptoms of acne. It does have its side effects and doctors need to check it on a regular basis.
If none of the above medication works, dermatologists use these therapies for patients.
Steroid therapy – If skin acne is in the form of cysts or nodules then it needs to be treated with a steroid injection that delivers quick & exceptional results.
Peels – The repeated use of chemical peels made from glycolic or salicylic acid deliver best results. It also delivers short-term improvement from acne.
Acne Extraction – Dermatologists use various tools and extraction therapies to remove blackheads and whiteheads but this treatment may cause scarring.
Laser or light therapy – light based therapies do offer success. But, each patient and severity requires various light treatment therapies.
In conclusion
If you’re suffering from initial or severe skin acne conditions, it is time to consult a doctor or dermatologist for quick relief and cure.
If you’re an individual living in India, it could be quite frustrating to treat pimples due to the presence of dirt, dust, and pollution in the air.
For the best dermatologists in India or Delhi or to know more on skin acne, read this blog.