Diet plays an important role when it comes to heart health. Healthy eating and regular exercise are the two most things which can prevent you from heart diseases and helps you in maintaining good health. One has to eat variety and combinations of foods to maintain good health.
Know about the best foods to include which are good for heart:
Oats: They are rich in soluble fibers which help in lowering down the cholesterol levels. These soluble fibers basically increases intestinal transit time, delays gastric emptying and reduce glucose absorption. These fibers contain beta glucan which is a lipid lowering agent. One can include oats in form of chapattis, oats porridge mixed with some fresh fruits and nuts is a very healthy breakfast option.
Include Vit C rich foods like oranges, lemons, Amla in your diet. It is a proven fact that vit C helps in lowering down the risk of heart diseases as vit c is potent antioxidant which helps in reducing cholesterol levels.
Soy or tofu are good source of proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals and are also rich in polyunsaturated fats which are good for heart health. Soy helps in lowering down the LDL levels.
Blueberries are rich in anthocyanin, which is a potent antioxidant helps in reducing cholesterol levels.
Nuts: almonds and walnuts are good for heart. They contain Vit E which helps in lowering LDL cholesterol and are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
Fish: Fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and many studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids reduces the level of LDL and triglycerides and hence lower the risk of CVD.
Use olive oil as it is a good source of monounsaturated fats and helps in reducing both cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Go green: Eat more of greens like broccoli, spinach etc as they are rich in carotenoids which prevents oxidation of cells by free radicals.
Include one tsp each of flaxseeds and chia seeds in your daily food intake.
Pomegranates: It is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols which helps in clearing blockages in arteries.