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Xanthelasma refers to the small bumpy yellow patches that appear on the inner corner of your eyelids or around your eyes. Common among middle-aged women and men, these are soft and yellowish in color, fatty deposits that emerge over your skin. Xanthelasma may not be as harmful but shouldn’t be taken for granted either – it may be an indicator of underlying conditions including something as serious as heart disease. The deposits are not known to disappear on their own as they are cholesterol deposits; they either remain the same size or may grow over time. This is why you must seek proper treatment and professional care to treat it.

At AAYNA, we use a variety of chemical peels to treat varied conditions including Xanthelasma. The chemical peel for face is used as a non-invasive, safe, and highly effective Xanthelasma removal treatment by revealing new skin underneath. The basic principle of the chemical peel is to remove the top layer of the skin and reveal desirable results. Varied peels target different layers of the skin differently and can be classified as superficial, medium, and deep respectively. In other words, differing depths of the peel directly determine the level of exfoliation. We usually use trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels of different strengths to treat xanthelasma.

chemical peel for face

The procedure is performed by trained professionals who decide on the roadmap for your treatment keeping in mind your particular skin type. Apart from Xanthelasma treatment, the use of chemical peels has also been highly effective in tackling skin issues such as acne, acne scars, under-eye dark circles, freckles, and superficial wrinkles. Spanish peels such as Dermamelan and Cosmelan have deep exfoliation properties and have shown brilliant results for treating Melasma and other deep dermal pigmentary concerns. The treatment has a strong rejuvenating effect that leaves your skin feeling smoother, fresher, and brighter.

Apart from seeking chemical peel treatment, making active changes to your lifestyle can also help reduce the occurrence of Xanthelasma. For some people, simple changes in diet and daily schedule have proved beneficial in controlling cholesterol and subsequently Xanthelasma. As per experts, staying fit and active, exercising daily, limiting consumption of junk and fatty foods, avoiding smoking, overeating, and also excessive drinking can help improve the quality and health of your skin. This coupled with the right medical treatment and expertise will help rid you of Xanthelasma for good.

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