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Acne is a frustrating problem to have, and it can take a long time – and multiple treatments – to get rid of your acne scars. Even after you have addressed your acne with medication or other treatments, you may be left with annoying red marks on your face. This can affect your self-esteem, cause you to feel uncomfortable when making social interactions, and even make you self-conscious when going out in public. People who have struggled with acne and the red, raised scars that follow are well aware of how difficult it is to find an effective solution. Acne scars can be a source of intense self-consciousness for many people – so much so that some prefer to hide them with makeup or scarves regularly even when not needed. Red marks from pimples may look like small active acne or bumps after subsiding and healing over time. However, they tend to be more visible than other types of acne scar marks, making them harder to camouflage. These are not just any pimple scars; they are the result of aggressive breakouts that cause the skin to tear, resulting in deeper discoloration.

The good news? – There are various procedures for treating acne scars. From chemical peels to Laser Genesis for acne scars, there are several options available.


Which is the Best Laser Treatment for Acne Scars?

Laser Genesis is a non-ablative laser treatment that uses beam light energy to improve the skin’s appearance and texture without damaging the top layer of the skin. It works by gently heating the area to stimulate collagen production, repairing damaged skin, and reducing redness and pore size. Reducing acne scars often involves multiple treatments with various lasers, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion. Not all patients are good candidates for these procedures, and some may prefer a gentler approach like Laser Genesis. This article will look at how Laser Genesis works to reduce acne scars, its benefits, as well as the recovery time.

Laser Genesis is a treatment that uses laser heat to reduce acne scars and promote collagen production to smooth and repair the skin. It’s a non-invasive treatment that is performed in the clinic. You can expect to see results after one to three sessions, although it may take longer depending on your skin concern type. Laser genesis is suitable for all skin types and can be used to treat acne scars as well as wrinkles, open pores, and fine lines. The laser is applied as a small probe, and the energy from the laser travels through the skin. When it reaches the dermis, it stimulates collagen production and jump-starts the healing process, which can reduce acne scars. The light from the laser is absorbed by the melanin in your skin, which is what causes the lightning effect. Laser genesis can be used on its own or in combination with other acne scar treatments, such as HydraFacial or Microneedling.


How Does Laser Treatment for Acne Scars Work?

The energy from the laser in Laser Genesis is absorbed by your skin’s melanin, which is the pigment responsible for the color of your skin. This causes a thermal reaction that triggers new collagen production. Your body heals itself and replaces damaged skin with healthy new tissue. Laser Genesis works by increasing the quantity of collagen in your skin, which consequently reduces the appearance of acne scars. It also increases your skin’s elasticity and texture, which can help improve fine lines and wrinkles.


Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Treatment for Acne Scars?

Laser genesis can be used on all skin types, which makes it an ideal choice for many people. However, it is important to discuss your medical history, concerns, and other relevant information with a dermatologist at AAYNA to make sure you are a good candidate for laser treatment. It also depends on your complexion as it is the melanin that absorbs the energy from Laser Genesis. It is best to get a detailed consultation with a skin expert at AAYNA before choosing the right line of treatment for acne scars.


Laser Treatment for Acne Scars and Open Pores – Does Laser Genesis Work for Both?

Laser Genesis, by working deep under the skin, remodels collagen. It consequently speeds up the healing process and therefore works wonders on not just acne scars, but also on enlarged open pores, fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, and rosacea. Acne scars, many times lead to enlarged pores, and the laser treatment for acne scars works well as pores treatment too.

Benefits of Laser Genesis: Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Laser Genesis has the following benefits:


  • It is a non-invasive treatment which means it does not require one to go under the knife.
  • Because it is non-invasive, it is a zero-downtime treatment and painless as well.
  • The Cutera Laser Genesis at AAYNA is FDA-approved tech for safe and comfortable treatment.
  • Laser Genesis stimulates collagen production which helps in rejuvenation and eliminating signs of ageing.
  • Laser Genesis increases skin elasticity and removes blemishes, enlarged pores, and many other skin concerns.

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Laser Treatment for Acne Scars at AAYNA clinic

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require any downtime. Many patients report seeing results after the first session, although it may take longer depending on your skin type. Laser Genesis stimulates collagen production, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars. It can also increase your skin’s elasticity and texture, which can help improve fine lines and wrinkles. For an effective laser treatment for acne scars, you should first consult with a dermatologist at AAYNA to understand the best course of treatment. AAYNA is a clinic initiated by the world-renowned dermatologist, Dr. Simal Soin who has introduced many exclusive and many globally acclaimed treatments for skin and hair in the country. You can get your concerns about skin, hair, and weight as well, along with which, you can get aesthetic treatments like fillers, nanoblading, botox, Uletherapy, Thermage, and more for skin rejuvenation. The lasers at AAYNA, be it for Laser Genesis or Laser Hair Reduction, are the most advanced and reliable in the industry. Book today and be the best version of yourself.

Acne usually becomes an issue due to hormonal imbalance. This imbalance not only occurs during puberty but also later in life, especially post-pregnancy. You can get laser post pregnancy and if you are also looking to lose the baby weight and regain strength, you must go for Mommy Makeover Program by AKARA by AAYNA.


What acne scars are permanent?

A – While not every breakout would leave acne scarring, acne scars caused by pimples are most often more stubborn. They tend to be more visible than other types of acne scar marks, making them harder to camouflage. These are not just any pimple scars; they are the result of aggressive breakouts that cause the skin to tear, resulting in deeper discoloration. Even if the discoloration fades, it may leave scarring in the skin texture. This texture change makes your skin look uneven and your pores enlarged. Such permanent marks can be faded effectively with laser treatment for acne scars.

Can acne scars go away on their own?

A – Mild acne scars may go away on their own. However, depressed acne scars may become permanent with age as the skin starts to lose collagen. There are many treatments that can be used to treat acne scars. Laser Genesis, Microneedling, HydraFacial are some non-invasive treatments that can be used to treat permanent acne scars.

When do acne scars go away?

A – Acne scars, may take weeks or sometimes months to fade away entirely. The fading depends on the severity of the breakouts. With age, the fading of acne scars may become slower, and some scars may not go away on their own.

How do acne scars fade?

A – Acne scars fade by healing as the skin builds new collagen. They get rid of the old skin cells replacing them with new ones. When the skin stops building collagen due to age or any other problem, the acne scars take longer to heal and may become permanent. Therefore, it is best to get them treated with laser treatment for acne scars.

Which serum for acne scars?

Niacinamide serum and hyaluronic acid serum are some safe and effective serums to treat acne scars. If the scarring is deeper, clinical non-invasive treatments like laser treatment for acne scars or Microneedling for acne scars are more useful.

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