It’s that time of the year again when you’re as ready to hit the beach/pool as you are to shove out those full sleeves jackets and jeans. Out with your sweaters and in with the sundresses, tank tops, and shorts! But amidst all the frolicking in the sun, beware of how all those hours in the sun and heat are affecting your delicate skin! Protection from the sun and its rays are of utmost importance. And not just the sun, there are rays from the screens, and rays entering your house through windows. So even on days when you don’t step out, you should apply sunscreen to protect your skin from getting harmed.
But what is it exactly that damages your skin?
- These rays can penetrate the deepest layer of your skin, the dermis. They activate free radicals causing photo damage, pigmentation, and premature aging of your skin.
- These rays penetrate your skin’s upper layer, the epidermis. It is responsible for sunburns and photo-allergy. These rays substantially increase the risk of deadly melanomas (skin cancer).
- These rays are ideally blocked by the earth’s ozone layer and are the most damaging. With increasing ozone depletion, it is becoming even more important to protect yourself.
Infrared Radiation
- This is the heat that you feel and too much of it can negatively affect the collagen and elastin in your skin.
But not to worry, here are a few simple steps to make your skin glow under the scorching sun.
- Drink plenty of water
Hydrate your skin! It’s easy for skin to become parched during the summer months. Dehydration results in dry skin, spots, frown lines, causing an overall lack of “glow”. Drink water regularly throughout the day to both hydrate your skin and flush out toxins that can mar your complexion.
Eat healthy foods
With summers come a huge variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, so load up on salads, juices, and steamed vegetables. Try picking a fruit of a different colour every day to make sure you get all the antioxidants and nutrients your skin needs. A diet rich in flavonoids will help to ensure healthy and glowing skin. No-fat or low-fat diets will cause your skin to dry, wrinkle, and age. You need essential fats in your diet to keep your skin moist and supple. Nuts and seeds and fresh fish are excellent sources of good fats.
Avoid going out during peak hours
Try avoiding going out in the sun for as much as you can, between 10 am – 4 pm. As it is during this time the sun’s rays are the most harmful. However, since the world can’t stop functioning and most of the work happens during the daytime, the least you can do is step out either lathering up yourself in sunscreen or to take a scarf or hat to cover your up.
Style it up
Wear wide-brimmed hats, which are not only very in this season but will also protect your facial skin from the scorching sun. Wear sunglasses to not only protect your eyes but also the delicate skin around your eyes, which is sensitive to rapid ageing. You can easily lay your hands on Vitamin E gel or capsules that you can mix within your moisturisers or eye creams. These will nourish and refresh the undereye area. Cover up as much skin as you can and wear lightweight fabric, preferably light colors.
Use Sunscreen
Now, this is an extremely important step because you need to know how to pick the perfect sunscreen that’s ideal for you. There are certain things you need to look for when buying sunscreen. ‘SPF’ stands for Sun Protective Factor, which protects against UV-B. Apart from this also look for ‘PA’ that stands for the protection grade of UV-A. However, what is more important than the strength of the formulation, is the frequent application of it almost every 2 hours if you’re an outdoorsy person. Keep in mind the kind of formulation you’d like to go for. So, if you have oily skin, use a sunscreen that is water-based and likewise pick a base accordingly if you have dry skin. Don’t forget about your lips – use a lipstick/lip balm with SPF 30 or higher.
Use antifungal powders
Dust some anti-fungal powder in all the skin folds and on the feet and soles to prevent fungal infections.
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser at least 2 times a day. If you have dry skin, use a toner for further cleansing and hydration.
Moisturizer isn’t for everyone
It is important to keep your skin hydrated, however, it is prudent not to use too much moisturizer. Avoid using cream-based makeup if you have oily skin, as well as clogging your pores by applying multiple layers of makeup. This will only block and stop your pores from breathing and further make you prone to acne.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Stress adversely affects your body and your skin is no different. So try to relax, meditate, or take a short vacation and have a super summer!
Always consult your dermatologist before applying anything to your face. Your face has the most sensitive skin and it’s imperative to not put anything on your face unless it is recommended as per your skin’s need. Never follow a regime blindly or copy someone else’s regime as well, as every skin is different. At AAYNA, we have the best team of experienced dermatologists.