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Hair Treatment

Don’t let go of your hair: Women’s guide to hair loss treatment

By September 28, 2016February 8th, 2023No Comments


Hair is a defining factor of a women’s beauty, so it can be worrying when we see it fall. With the right sort of intervention at the right time, hair fall is reversible. It is important to be aware of how our hair behaves, the cyclical hair fall is absolutely normal but the minute we realise that >100 hairs/day are being lost! It’s definitely a cause of concern.

Telogen effluvium is the commonest cause of hair fall in women. This usually occurs as an abrupt, diffuse shedding of hair after child birth, fever, severe infections, crash diet, malnutrition, thyroid disorders, post surgeries and certain drugs.

Chronic telogen effluvium occurs when there is an abrupt and alarming rate of diffuse hair fall. The cause in most instances is unknown and is a rare entity.

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is seen in patients who have a hormonal imbalance, age factor and a family history of baldness. It presents as a widening of the central parting and a receding hair line.

It is important to investigate for serum ferritin levels and thyroid profile as any aberrations in their values can lead to hair fall disorders.

A timely intervention helps restore hair within 3 months to a year depending upon the cause.

Minoxidil 2% formulation is ideal to start with and is prescribed to be applied twice a day on the scalp for a minimum of 3 months. This improves the blood circulation of the scalp and improves the nutrition and growth of the hair follicles.

Biotin and multivitamins are essential and should be taken regularly. They provide strength to the hair follicles and improve the overall results.

In case of hormonal imbalance or hyperandrogenism, the patient is put on cyproterone acetate and spirinolactone. They correct the hormone levels and improve the hair caliber and growth.

Platelet rich plasma has shown promising results in women with hair loss. This technique uses a small sample of the patients own blood which is concentrated to isolate the platelets rich in growth factors. The concentrated plasma is injected into the scalp with a help of a very fine needle. These growth factors provide strength and vitality to the follicles and also facilitate the growth of new hair follicles.

Low level laser therapy uses the principle of photobiology and stimulates physical or chemical reactions by laser light which stimulates hair growth.

For thin hair and scanty growth, tinted powders, lotions and keratin fibers can be used to conceal bald patches. These are recommended for severe cases, where the patients do not respond to medical treatment and hair transplantation is not a possibility.

Visit your dermatologist for the best suitable treatment for your hair fall concerns. Treatment regimens are unique to every individual catering to their needs and deficiencies. Results vary from person to person. Newer advances for hair restoration are being researched and will be incorporated into the treatment depending on their efficacy. So don’t let go of your hair, there is always a solution.

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