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By September 28, 2016November 29th, 2021No Comments


If you find yourself hating your neck as you’ve gotten older, you are not alone. The neck is a body part that few people younger than 30 or 40 spend much time thinking about, and yet for those 45 and over, there may be a noticeable difference in the quality, and sometimes quantity, of skin on the neck. Our neck is often neglected when we apply sunscreen or skincare products.

Fortunately, there are solutions to the problem of “turkey neck” or necks that have begun to lose some elasticity, firmness and skin tone. Turtlenecks and scarves are not the only answer to the problem. Hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and fine lines can be treated with skin care products such as vitamin C and Retinol. Botox treatment injections can help relax the part of the platysma that are responsible for the “band” appearance or the aged look.

For those with mild skin laxity and wrinkles in the neck, there is now a new FDA approved, non-surgical option we are offering that is based on radio frequency called Exilis Elite. This treatment is done in the office and feels like a warm (to hot) massage. It typically requires 2-3 treatments to be maximally effective. Exilis uses focused high frequency technology to reduce wrinkles and build collagen with results that can be very good and lasting.

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